hoyts cinemas
Hoyts Tower (exterior signage)
"Not So Late Date Night" promotion
3-dimensional displays
black & white promotional teaser ads
printed promotional pieces
concession counter displays
promotional materials
client: Hoyts
With today's high-definition home viewing devices and readily available films that quickly stroll through theaters on their way to the living room, filling seats can be an incredible challenge for cinema owners.
Warren Impact and Hoyts Cinemas have enjoyed a working relationship that has spanned many years. This collaborative team has witnessed many changes in the industry and have worked to promote the movie theater experience through landmark quality signage, to in-theater promotions, to kiosks that allow instant ticket access.
Current campaigns include special showings and date night specials where matinee tickets sell for discount prices. You must admit, watching a blockbuster in your living room does not come close to the mega-screen theater experience!
“Hoyts was one of the first theater exhibitors to recognize the critical importance of building an iconic brand in an industry that traditionally never bother. Our goal was to create the “Ultimate Hoyts Movie Experience” and to do this we enlisted Warren Impact, who not only think outside the box but live there, who were nimble, who could move at speed, and above all execute flawlessly. No matter what crazy out of the box idea we came up with Brad and his team loved the challenge. The crowning jewel was the iconic re-branding of the Hoyts Globe logo and making it come to life. A Magical partnership of teamwork, working hard and playing hard!”
– Alan Johnson, Chief Operating Officer
“Warren Impact has been helping my clients and me for over 20 years.
When I was Vice President of Franchising for Dunkin' Donuts, they designed excellent collateral and promotional materials for both Dunk’n and sister company, BaskinRobbins. In fact, one of the coffee photos was so good – that it is still used today!” – Jim McKenna, president, McKenna Associates