We proudly announce that Mitch Warren has joined Warren !mpact as Sales Consultant and Project Manager.
We Make Signs!
Warren Impact + Superior Packaging and Finishing: A Partnership that Delivers Excellence
Whether a DUNK'N coffee mug or a nine-foot dog for fashion retailer PINK, Warren has the seasoned problem-solving brainpower, world-class resources, and fabricators to bring ideas to life!
Where does Superior Packaging & Finishing send their clients when they are searching for promotional items and custom outside-the-box projects? They send them to Warren Impact, of course!
Likewise, who does Warren Impact call when they require a project that requires the skills of a trusted and dedicated packaging provider? The Warren team immediately contacts Superior!
Both Superior and Warren Impact are family-run businesses with long and extremely successful track records. Superior has maintained a leadership position in the high-end packaging and finishing industry for over a century. Under company president Donny Charlebois, the company currently occupies over 200,000 square feet with over 200 dedicated employees.
“We pride ourselves on our commitment to excellence. Ultimately our success derives from our ability to deliver any project, under any deadline, while always producing the highest quality content.”
–Donny Charlebois, President, Superior Packaging & Finishing
Since 1961, Warren Impact is a full-service provider of marketing communications materials and promotional products. Whether a DUNK'N coffee mug or a nine-foot dog for fashion retailer PINK, Warren has the seasoned problem-solving brainpower, world-class resources, and fabricators to bring ideas to life!
“Our customers come from various areas of expertise including advertising and marketing agencies, real estate companies, financial services and professional service providers, and beyond. Should you require conceptual assistance, our in-house team will quickly connect you with our network of top-tier, senior-level creative professionals.”
–Brad Warren Jr., President, Warren Impact
If you have a project that you would like to discuss, please give Brad a call 617.203.2093 x223 or send him an email. Perhaps there are projects on the horizon; please sign-up for our mailing list. We will send you news and useful information that may provide the catalyst for your next great idea!
American Flag Decals Delivered to Your Mailbox
For the 18th year Warren Impact and Gill Studios are pleased to provide American flag decals, at no cost to you, and in whatever quantity you want.
Tomorrow, September 11, 2019, our country will pause to remember the tragic events that happened almost two decades ago.
For the eighteenth straight year, Warren Impact and our friends at Gill Studios are pleased to provide you with American flag decals, at no cost to you, and in whatever quantity you want.
Because we seem to see the flag a little bit less these days and, we’re sure it’s not for lack of patriotic feeling. We just thought we’d help our friends to remember the importance of the flag and the reasons we fly it every day. So drop us a line and let us know how many flag decals you want.
We’re happy to send them along, as long as you’re happy to display them proudly.
Please take a moment and fill out the form below.
Warren Impact Graphics, LLC
617.203.2093 x223 | bradjr@warren-impact.com
A Video Screen-In-A-Box
Exchange South End, Video Brochure
Jones Lang LaSalle IP, Inc. (JLL) is a world leader in commercial real estate services. They buy, build, occupy, and invest in a variety of assets, including industrial, commercial, retail, residential, and hotel real estate.
To market the Exchange South End project (a four-building urban campus situated in Boston's South End neighborhood) the marketing group within JLL Boston, elected to design a video brochure. Once this decision was made, it was up to Warren Impact to manage the production end of the project.
Video Screen Demonstration
The finished piece consists of a printed paper container that houses a bound booklet with an incorporated flat video screen. When the booklet cover is opened, a custom video describes the 5.6-acre property, the amenities, proximity to businesses, medical centers, recreational facilities as well as dining and entertainment options.
Snail mail still rocks the inbox!
If all goes as intended, once the website is checked out, the marketing piece will become either bulletin board material or something passed around the office.
Forget the latest and greatest online app or social media gadget. If you want to make contact with someone, meet them in person, call them on the phone or send them a printed piece.
Email, blog articles, and social media posts are a great backup, but when you need to communicate, "old school" still gets the job done.
At Warren Impact, we consistently take a one-two-punch to our self-promotion communications. For example, following a summer tune-up of the Warren Impact website, www.warren-impact.com, we created an ink and paper postcard to announce the on-screen updates.
From a content standpoint, the two-sided 4.0" x 6.0" mail piece contains minimal content. However, the unique 'throwback' graphics will at least draw attention to the fact that Warren Impact is only a phone call or email. If all goes as intended, the marketing piece will become either bulletin board material or something passed around the office.