“No matter what the project is, Warren Impact finds a way to get it done on time and within budget. Most of our projects have never been done before, and we often only need one finished product. There is no blueprint or process to follow it is usually trial-and-error until they get it right and in the end, it is perfect.”
– Jim Spadafora, print production, Arnold Worldwide
Brad Warren, JR.
Brad Warren Jr. | email Brad
Brad Warren Jr. began his professional career over 30 years ago while seated at a Braintree barstool next to his father, the legendary Brad Warren Sr. Since that time, Jr. has assumed responsibility for creating, designing, and producing a plethora of long-standing marketing icons.
It was Sr., who in the pre-computer, pre-cell phone and pre-Internet age, taught Brad how to manage complex assignments by thinking outside of the "box," communicating in an honest and straightforward manner and adopting a "Just get it done" attitude.
"If they can land a man on the moon…", Sr. was known to say.
Today, Warren !mpact is conceptualizing, designing and building one-of-a-kind objects for a variety of clients including ad agencies (huge to tiny), corporations, and lone creative professionals. Whether it is a t-shirt, commuter mug or a pink dog, 10-feet in height if you can imagine it, Brad and his core team of seasoned professionals will figure out a way to produce it smartly, on time and within budget.
It also should be pointed out that by keeping our on-staff employee overhead low and by reaching into our well-established network of experienced specialists specific to your project. In other words, as a customer, you are only paying for what you need and not a huge team of full-time staff, working out of fancy offices. Brad Jr. is your quarterback. You will work directly with him, perhaps a member or two from his support staff along with the assembled team of design and production professionals.
Whether you have a rough sketch that you would like to bring to reality or just want to find out more information, just give Brad a call. He is always ready to meet a new production challenge, and he would love to work with you on yours!
Karen Finch
Karen Finch
Karen is the money person behind Warren !mpact and is fondly referred to by Brad Jr. as "#1".
Since joining the company in 1994, she has made every attempt to bring calm to the sometimes loud and excitable office. In addition to helping the firm navigate the financial waters, Karen also acts as Brad Jr.'s trusted confidant and compass (shrink).
FUN FACT: Karen was responsible for implementing a profanity rule in hopes of adding a little buff and polish to comments made by the Brads (Jr. and Sr.) where each swear-word incurred a $1 fine. The long-term benefits are fodder for debate, for once in a while during the heat of a project or even during normal conversation, Jr. may drop an "F-Bomb" or two. Of course, this is all in good fun.
Chris Nahil
Chris Nahil
Chris Nahil is President of Message & Medium. For over three decades he has created and executed marketing, communications, and public relations programs that help organizations identify and communicate their unique stories.
At Message & Medium, Chris specializes in working with fast-growing companies, from startups to market leaders, to deliver the right message to the right audience at the right time.
Over the years, he has been a tremendous resource to Warren !mpact. Sure, he provides world-class creative concepts, public relations strategies, and stellar copy. What we value most is his well-honed level headed thinking, delivered on a regular and consistent basis.
Kathi Ferry
Kathi Ferry
partner, design/production
Since the mid-1990s Kathi been an integral part of our design/production team. Our portfolio contains much of her work ranging from product packaging to fleet graphics to signage systems. In addition to her superb design sense, Kathi has a tremendous sense of humor which goes a long way working for Warren !mpact.
FUN FACT: Kathi founded “Townie” a provider of town-specific decals. You will see samples of her work proudly displayed on the bumpers of vehicles from a collection of communities located on Boston's South Shore.
Tara Garvey
Tara Garvey
partner, design/production
Tara is a recent addition to the Warren !mpact lineup following various design positions within agencies, corporations and as an independent freelancer.
Although her expertise centers around corporate visual branding, collateral design, and wearables, Tara has an intuitive sense of client needs, making her the perfect match for nearly every design project.
Mitch Warren
Mitch Warren
Following in the footsteps of his father and grandfather, Mitch is gradually earning his wings within the family business. A recent graduate of The University of New Hampshire, Mitch is the owner and founder of MW Promotions, a college-based T-shirt company.
While a student in his last two years at UNH, his company sold over 3,000 T-shirts to colleges such as UMass Amherst, Keene State, Providence College as well as his own Alma Mater.
(For an interesting conversation, dare to ask Mitch how and why he started MW Promotions.)
Whether by genetics or constant exposure to a creative business, Mitch is rapidly building his creative project management toolbox. Should he have any questions, he inherently has a direct line to the president.
Doug Eymer
For the past 30+ years, Mr. Eymer has been designing: corporate marks (logos), corporate identity systems, printed collateral pieces (brochures), annual reports, websites, e-books, direct mail pieces and projects that require a unique creative direction.
His portfolio (www.eymerwork.com) includes examples of both online and offline sales and marketing communications pieces.
In other words, people hire him to conceptualize, develop and implement strategic marketing pieces that deliver their specific message. Ultimately, the projects that he designs:
Attract attention
Generate interest
Provide the catalyst necessary to incite action
…and most importantly, Drive Sales!
Yes, ultimately Doug Eymer helps businesses sell products and services–building strong and personable brands during the process.
“In business, everyone can make a mistake once in a while, and sure enough, Brad made one early in our relationship. He quickly pulled his whole team together, worked night and day to make things right. On a summer Sunday afternoon, just hours before my flight to an important presentation, Brad showed up with the project completed to absolute perfection. For me, the true test of a company is how a mistake is handled. After that response, I never again ever had any worries with these people doing important work – on time and budget!”
– Jim McKenna, President, McKenna Associates