Jones Lang LaSalle IP, Inc. | Boston

The front cover of the marketing package

The front cover of the marketing package

Inside front cover

Video brochure within foam insert

Video brochure within foam insert

Booklet and the incorporated screen

Video screen detail

Video brochure back cover

Video brochure back cover


Exchange South End, Video Brochure

client: Jones Lang LaSalle IP, Inc. | Boston

Jones Lang LaSalle IP, Inc. (JLL) is a world leader in commercial real estate services. They buy, build, occupy, and invest in a variety of assets, including industrial, commercial, retail, residential, and hotel real estate.

To market the Exchange South End project (a four-building urban campus situated in Boston's South End neighborhood) the marketing group within JLL Boston, elected to design a video brochure. Once this decision was made, it was up to Warren Impact to manage the production end of the project.

The finished piece consists of a printed paper container that houses a bound booklet with an incorporated flat video screen. When the booklet cover is opened, a custom video describes the 5.6-acre property, the amenities, proximity to businesses, medical centers, recreational facilities as well as dining and entertainment options.



“Brad is my go-to guy when I have some wacky thing that I don't know how to produce myself. He has a wealth of knowledge and resources and can solve the trickiest production dilemmas. Plus he's a good guy - always a plus in my book. If you can't figure out how to do something - call Brad, he’ll figure it out and get it done.” 
Marita Stapleton, Creative Resources at BEAM Interactive